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Financial Association of Financial Credit Center BS DOO Skopje, informs its customers that, due to the decision by the Government of the Republic of Northern Macedonia for the introduction of measures and activities for health prevention, Branches as of 25.03.2020 година ќе работат со следното работно време:

-Monday-Friday : 08 – 16 pm

-clogs: Nerabotna

With respect,

FD Financial Center Credit BS DOO Skopje

Job posting – 5 CREDIT referrers

Job posting 5 КРЕДИТНИ РЕФЕРЕНТИ ФД Финансиски кредитен центар БС ДОО Скопје е небанкарска финансиска институција со активности: loan approval, factoring, guarantees, credit cards. In order to advance and develop the company, we need to expand our team of young people for work…

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0% dagger

VISA БС Картичка - > > 0 % interest for each of you! VISA BS credit up to 600 000 mkd to 84 months - CASH or REFINANCE IN ONE IN ONE PLACE !! ФАКТОРИНГ ЗА ПРАВНИ ЛИЦА LOANS FOR LEGAL ENTITIES -- >> Framework loan, Specific loan for working capital, Long-term concrete loan, Revolving limit under the MOST favorable conditions!