ADVISOR for individuals/legal entities


COUNSELOR наменет за сите ФИЗИЧКИ/ПРАВНИ ЛИЦА кои сакаат да refinance loans all in one place!

This form ADVISOR FOR INDIVIDUALS/LEGAL ENTITIES is intended to be completed by you, all with a purpose, to compare and sublimate your current current loans into one loan, in order to find a joint optimal solution for you and your credit obligations.

Our mission is that every user of a credit product gets the most favorable conditions that he deserves!


Flow of activities:

  1. Filling in the tabs with your data attached.
  2. Entering your credit products and amounts based on credit products and other exposures, to be able to calculate your credit exposure.
  3. Contact from expert economists to you within 48 o'clock.


The data in this form will be used exclusively for the needs of FD Financial Credit Center BS DOO Skopje, are aimed at enabling quick processing and an efficient implementation process.

Basic data for the Advice Requester

Data on income and expenses

monthly income
Monthly expenses
An additional monthly income

By completing this advice request, declare:

1) Under full material and criminal responsibility confirm the completeness and accuracy of the data, familiar / I am the meaning of the citation data
effecting this request and obligation of the requested data, when I undertake that when changing the data timely inform FD within 15
days, if not definitely poinaku;

2) Agree / MMS FD to change, additional, remove and / or prevent the use of my personal data, if the changes come from legally permitted sources, without obligation
FD previously or additionally take me out;

3) Agree / MMS, my personal data to be used for promotional purposes, promotional materials and other information for all products and services FD, and that I am aware of
my right by submitting a written request in FD , at any moment, without compensation, me being withdrawn this consent;

Thank you for your trust
Your FD Financial Credit Center BS DOO Skopje

Useful links

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VISA БС Картичка - > > 0 % interest for each of you! VISA BS credit up to 600 000 mkd to 84 months - CASH or REFINANCE IN ONE IN ONE PLACE !! ФАКТОРИНГ ЗА ПРАВНИ ЛИЦА LOANS FOR LEGAL ENTITIES -- >> Framework loan, Specific loan for working capital, Long-term concrete loan, Revolving limit under the MOST favorable conditions!