Dear customers,
JAVNA OFFER for changing the terms of credit products due to the corona crisis
Based on the Decree with legal force for application of the Law on Financial Companies during a State of Emergency (Official Gazette of RSM no. 90 from 04.04.2020 year), in order to mitigate the effects of COVID-19 pandemic, FD Financial Society Financial Credit Center BS DOO Skopje on den 08.04.2020 year, announces the following
NOTICE AND PUBLIC OFFER number 0206/32/2
to change the contractual terms for the credit products of natural persons
The offer applies to all individuals - clients of FD, who have loans, and with a date 31.03.2020 year are regular loans in category and do not have the status of non-performing credit exposure.
Detailed terms of the Offer by product types:
- CREDIT offer
1.In the period from 01.04.2020 to 30.06.2020 natural persons who are beneficiaries of loans under loan agreements concluded with 31 March 2020 year pay the obligations of monthly annuity reduced by at least 70% from regular monthly annuity.
2.The repayment period, that is, the deadline for payment of monthly annuities under the loan agreements from item (1) continue for at least 90 days after the end of the period from item (1).
Liabilities on the basis of less paid annuities in the period from 1 April to 30 June 2020 year according to point (1) are postponed according to the approved payment deadline or are evenly distributed in the monthly annuities that will mature after 30 June 2020 year.
3.The interest calculated during the grace period: For the entire duration of the period 1 April to 30 June 2020 year, FD will suffice only 30% of annuities in proportion to the constituent parts of the annuity, under the Loan Agreement. After the expiration of the envisaged period of 3(three) months, the remaining part of the annuities will be kept as unsecured liabilities from the loan and will be allocated for collection of annuities in accordance with the new depreciation plan. FD will not calculate interest on interest.
4.administrative ban: During the period of three months, in loans that are paid with an administrative ban, please notify your employer that during this period it should be reduced and increased 30% from the amount of annuity.
- Independent credit party payments: During the period from 3(three) you have the right to make payments to the credit party on your own for months, and the same FD will act in the following way:a) All payments to the credit party made during this period, for a credit party that has no overdue liabilities, will be recorded as received advances during the grace period. In July 2020 year, all received loans to the credit party, will be cumulatively recorded as a payment for the reduction of outstanding liabilities arising from reduced annuities and without submitting a written request by the borrower, a credit balance will be reduced..
b) All payments to the credit party made during this period, for a credit party that has overdue liabilities, will be recorded for closing the due liabilities in order and within the deadline stipulated in the Loan Agreement. For the payments that will follow after the closing of the due obligations, will act in accordance with the item 5, paragraph of this Offer.
- New Repayment Depreciation Plan: After recording all changes to the credit balance provided in point 3 and 5 from this Offer, as well as according to the change from point 2, in July 2020 FD will prepare a new depreciation plan for the loan repayment year and starting from July 2020 The regular loan repayment will continue next year. FD will notify the loan user of the new amount of the annuity in the manner provided in the Loan Agreement.
- Sequence of calculation after preparation of a new Depreciation Plan: After preparing the new Depreciation Plan 6, throughout the validity period of the Loan Agreement, in the order of calculation provided for in the Agreement, the capitalized interest gains priority over the loan principal, so that FD from the performed payments and collection will close the liabilities upon maturity of their maturity in the following order: credit costs, interest, capitalized interest and principal on credit. This order of calculation will be applied in case of early payment of the missing part of the loan..
- Liquidation during the grace period: If the borrower, during the grace period paid full repayment of the loan, the provisions of the Loan Agreement apply.
- Legal effect of the Offer: The legal effect of the amended conditions of the loan agreement is also valid on the overall contractual accompanying documentation (depreciation plans, standing orders and other documentation), all notary documents and collateral (pledge agreements governing - non-managerial, bills of exchange, guarantees, debt settlement agreements, and other agreements for any other security), without concluding new agreements / annexes to the existing agreements, notary documents and other security instruments, as well as without changing the already written data in the public books and registers.
- Condition for cumulativeness: The offer is indivisible and is valid only with cumulative fulfillment and acceptance of all the above conditions for each individual Loan Agreement..
- Other contractual provisions: All other contractual provisions of the existing agreement, which are not covered in this offer, remain in force for the duration of the Agreement.
- Offer for individual submission of a request for additional relief
Any loan user can apply for a loan to facilitate the fulfillment of the Loan Agreement, which will be considered and according to the FD assessment can be approved as follows:
- Prolongation of Deadline for using the loan: The loan term can be extended by reducing the amount of annuities.
- Refinancing the loan by concluding a new loan agreement.
- Other contractual provisions: All other contractual provisions of the existing agreement, which are not covered in this offer, remain in force for the duration of the Agreement.
With the publication of this Offer on the FD website, it is considered that the Offer has been submitted to all natural persons beneficiaries of credit products., joint and several debtors, on the day of publication.
All individuals using credit products, joint and several debtors, which meet the requirements of this Offer, and who wish to continue their regular repayment without changing the terms of the contract, within 10 (ten) days from the publication of this Offer, that is, no later than 18.04.2020 year, to 16:00 pm, have the right to REJECT the Offer by notifying the FD electronically or in writing, otherwise the Bid will be considered accepted. If the natural person has more credit products and / or parties in FD, has the right to decide individually to reject the Offer for each product and / or party and it is necessary to state each individual product and party for which it rejects the Offer.
Individuals who will not refuse the FD offer up to 18.04.2020 year, are considered to have accepted the Offer, thus, all the conditions of this Offer become contractual provisions that are an integral part of the concluded agreements with the natural persons beneficiaries of credit products., joint and several debtors.
Changed conditions from the Loan Agreements, as well as all notary documents and collateral (pledge agreements governing - non-managerial, bills of exchange, guarantees, debt settlement agreements, and other agreements for any other security) to individuals using credit products, joint and several debtors, produce legal effect after the expiration of the term of 10 (ten) days from the publication of this Offer, without concluding new agreements and / or annexes to existing agreements, notary documents and other security instruments, as well as without changing the already written data in the public books and registers.
Individuals who ACCEPT the Offer DO NOT PAY any notification to the FD and the terms of the contract are considered to be changed in accordance with this Offer of 18.04.2020 year.
Notification is sent exclusively by customers who AVOID the Offer, and only through ONE of the offered ways of reporting listed below:
A. Direct electronic notification by filling out the form, below on the same side.
The electronic notification field for RECEIPT of the offer leads you to a ready-made notification form,in which you have to fill in the required ones(*) fields, as well as the numbers of the credit parties to which this notice is sent.
You can change your mind and make a new choice by the deadline, by re-announcing in the original form.
B.. Written notification to the following address:
- str. Dame Gruev block 1, 1000 Skopje, with the indication “Refusal of a public offer number from 08.04.2020 year ", whereas in the document itself you should state your name and surname, date and personal signature, as well as all individual products and numbers of parties for which the Offer is rejected.
- Electronic address:
All written notifications, which will be received in the FD archive at the above address or sent by mail with an envelope stamp on the envelope within the period when the Offer is valid, that is, including 18.04.2020 year, will be accepted in accordance with the validity of the Offer.
Date of Public Offer: 08.04.2020 year