Dear, ФД Финансиски кредитен центар БС Ве известува дека на ден 31/12/2024 year The headquarters and all branches will work until 14 pm, also wishes you a Happy New Year 2025 year and Christmas holidays. We continue to work on 02/01/2025 year in 08 pm.
ИЗВЕСТУВАЊЕ ПО ОДЛУКА ЗА ТАРИФНИК ЗА РАБОТЕЊЕТО НА ФД ФИНАНСИСКИ КРЕДИТЕН ЦЕНТАР БС ДОО СКОПЈЕ *Надоместоците кои не влегуваат во пресметка на СВТ вклучително и надоместоците за ненавремено извршување на обврските по основ потрочувачки…
Dodevski: We pay particular attention to the satisfaction of our customers Group of non-banking financial companies Daniel Dodevski, manager of the Financial Credit Center BS Economics and Business | printed edition | April 2023. How do you assess the current situation in your sector?? Where is yours within those frameworks?…
FD Financial Center Credit BS DOO-banking financial institution with activities: loan approval, factoring, guarantees, credit cards. In order to promote and develop the company, we need to expand our team of young people to work with clients related to the work of FD.…
Lending specialist 2 – for Strumica branch FD Financial Credit Center BS DOO Skopje is a non-banking financial institution with activities: loan approval, factoring, guarantees, credit cards. In order to advance and develop the company, we need to expand our team of young people…
credit reference 3 for a branch in Skopje FD Financial Credit Center BS DOO Skopje is a non-banking financial institution with activities: loan approval, factoring, guarantees, credit cards. In order to advance and develop the company, we need to expand our team of young people for work…
Оглас за вработување на 20 економисти и 10 правници ФД Финансиски кредитен центар БС ДОО Скопје е небанкарска финансиска институција со активности: loan approval, factoring, guarantees, credit cards. Со цел унапредување и развој на компанијата имаме потреба од проширување на нашиот тим од млади луѓе…
Company:FD FINANCIAL CREDIT CENTER BS DOO Skopje Workplace: CREDIT REFERENCE Region: Tetovo Open by:02-07-2020 Open until:12-07-2020 Pay: by agreement Number of jobs: 2 Type of employment: Definite NECESSARY QUALIFICATIONS - Minimum secondary education - Knowledge of English (written and spoken) _…
Dear customers, PUBLIC CONDITION FOR CONTRACTING CONDITIONS FOR Credit Products Due to the Corona Crisis (Official Gazette of RSM no. 90 from 04.04.2020 year), in order to mitigate the consequences…
Dear customers, PUBLIC CONDITION FOR CONTRACTING CONDITIONS FOR Credit Products Due to the Corona Crisis (Official Gazette of RSM no. 90 from 04.04.2020 year), in order to mitigate the consequences…